1-1 Personal Training Explained!
What is 1-1 personal training?
1-1 personal training is a fitness service where an individual works directly with a certified personal trainer. This approach focuses on personalised guidance and support tailored to a clients specific need and fitness goals. Some of the main features include:
Individual personalised programmes - At Average Joe's PT we understand the everybody we works with is unique in there own way and have different goals in life. That why our programmes are specifically tailor to you. Whether it workouts programmes or nutrition guidance.
Focused attention - During your sessions you will be my sole focus. This allows me to monitor things such as form, technique or progress, allowing me to give you real time feedback and adjustments to ensure exercise are preformed safely and effectively.
Goals setting & Motivation - During our consultation we will set realistic goals and timeline for achieving these. I will then take this information away and plan out every detail of your plan for the time period set. I will be there from day 1 to help motivate you and remind you of the goals you set. I am also there to make any adjustment that may be required because we know life can get in the way of any good plan but we wont let it stop you from achieving your goals.
Flexible Scheduling - Session are planned for a time that is convenient for you, Whether you choose to train on the same day every week or have a busy schedule and have to juggle things around.
Comprehensive Support - Whether it support with exercise, nutrition or just life, I'm here to help. As a personal trainer I know you not only need to train your body but also your mind. I will always make time to support my clients no matter how small or large the issue is.
Average Joe's 1-1 Training Packages
Average Joe's PT offers 4 different 1-1 training package to choose from.
Bronze Level Package - This packages includes:
Monthly Cost - £129.00
Silver Level Package - This packages includes:
Monthly Cost - £229.00
Gold Level Package - This packages includes:
Monthly Cost - £329.00
Dimond Level Package - This Package includes
Monthly Cost - £599.00
Contact Us
Email - averagejoes1.pt@gmail.com
Phone - 07378208415